International Map Year 2015-2016, Speaking session, FIG Working Week 19 May 2015
Chair: Prof. Georg Gartner, President ICA, Austria
Rapporteur: Prof. Dr. Temenoujka Bandrova, President, Bulgarian Cartographic Association
A Short Note on the The International Map Year 2015/16 by Prof. Georg Gartner, President, ICA
Zbyněk Štěrba, Milan Konečný and Čeněk Šašinka (Czech Republic):
Research on Usability Testing and Cognitive Issues of Cartographic Visualizations in the Context of Different Groups of Users
Georg Gartner (Austria):
A Basemap for Austria
Silvia Marinova, Temenoujka Bandrova, Mihaela Kouteva-Guentcheva and Stefan Bonchev (Bulgaria):
Thematic Mapping for Disaster Risk Assessment in Case of Earthquake
Bashkim Idrizi (Macedonia, FYROM), Ismail Kabashi and Atdhe Buzhala (Kosovo):
Mobile Application Based on Android Platform for Referent Points of Third Order in the City of Prishtina
Phileppe De Maeyer, K. De Coene, B De Wit, K Ooms and M Van den Berghe (Belgium):
Development of a Tool Allowing the Elaboration of a Geographical Database of Early Modern Flanders and Brabant
Temenoujka Bandrova (Bulgaria):
Bulgarian Cartographic Association – Mission and Strategic Development